Mittagspausenfun: FACEANALYSER.COM

Es ist schon interessant, was Wissenschaftler so alles aus Gesichtern herraus lesen wollen.

auf FACEANALYSER.COM kann man sich sein Profil analysieren lassen. Allerdings ist es interessant, wie sehr Licht, Blickwinkel der Kamera, Gesichtsausdruck das ergebnis verändern können :-)

Ich wage es stark zu bezweifeln, lasse mich aber gerne eines besseren belehren...

Mein Text mit dem letzten Bild war dieser:

"Race Analyse

50% Anglo Saxon
34% Korean/Japanese
16% Chinese

Personality Profile:

Intelligence 5.9 Average Intelligence 32284
Risk 4.2 Low Risk 31903
Ambition 6.0 Average Ambition 21910
Gay Factor 1.5 Very Low Gay Factor 14682
Honor 4.4 Average Honor 39011
Politeness 5.5 Average Politeness 25858
Income 6.1 $30,000 - $50,000 30191
Sociability 5.4 Average Sociability 28058
Promiscuity 3.4 Low Promiscuity 25299

You are a long-term planner, diligent worker and avoid risk as much as possible. You are of above average intelligence and have the ability to focus on tasks that seem unimportant at present, but can lead to greater things in the foreseeable future. You are not keen to interact with others or make social connections. You would rather gain material wealth before putting yourself in a position to be judged. You are not confrontational unless someone directly opposes your intellectual beliefs. You are highly concerned with your social status. You are keen to avoid risks that could jeopardize your long-term plans. You take a calculated approach to life, working hard to control all aspects of it in order to not leave anything important to chance.

You tend to be a perfectionist and quite self-conscious. You sometimes wish you were less reserved and more like some others you see who are more bold and outspoken in social situations. But as much as you try to be like them, you cannot, because you care too much about the future to ever be comfortable taking risks in social situations.

Your view of other types
Academic types can end up rich but it will take longer than with Boss types. You see Boss types as potential business clients and as great resources to expand your contacts. Therefore you treat them with respect. For the most part you do not respect Artist types, however there are some Alpha Artists that you give some credit to. You look down upon Blue collar types as you consider them ignorant. You see White collar types as unsuccessful versions of yourself, but because of work situations you may have to interact with them often. You have very little in common with Charmers, therefore you avoid them. You consider Gambler types to make foolish decisions, and for the most part you do not interact with them. At times you feel sorry for Drifters.

Other types' view of you
Boss types consider you to be a valuable resource of advice. They constantly interact with you to make better decisions and they often respect your opinion. For the most part Artist types do not interact with you for they rather take it easy. They however may like you because of your knowledge of subjects that they find interesting. Blue collar types find you boring and uptight, they have very little in common with you. White collar types may respect your accomplishments and ambition. Charmer types regard you as mostly withdrawn from life and too uppity to hang around with. Gambler types think that because you play so safe you miss out on great opportunities. Drifter types have no regard for you, because your repetitive routines seem boring to them.

Alpha academic: Solid long-term planner. Highly intelligent, ambitious and loyal to close ones.

Expected Occupations: Lawyer, Doctor, Investment Banker, Chief Accountant, Corporate Consultant, Head Engineer, Stock Broker, Business owner (professional skill/knowledge based business operation)

Beta academic: Not as intelligent or ambitious as Alpha Academics, but still focused on being materially successful.

Expected Occupations: Lawyer, Doctor, Investment Analyst, Accountant, Architect, Engineer, Professor, Researcher, Psychologist

Theta academic: Not as intelligent as Alpha and Beta academics, but still intelligent.

Expected Occupations: Pharmacist, Accountant, Teacher, Journalist, Computer Technician"
waschsalon - 13. Feb, 14:45

witzig! aber ob das wirklich so stimmt...?! ich denke, das ist in erster linie ein spass.

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30.000 km ....
uund immernoch mmmmh
Vampyre42 - 14. Aug, 23:01
7000 km 500er
Und immernoch mmmmmh.
Vampyre42 - 3. Okt, 16:40
Warten auf den Fünfi....
Ist ja wirklich eine Sache, die einen schon mit den...
Vampyre42 - 15. Mai, 13:51
500er Mania
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Dezember... SCHON?????
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